I never knew my country..(Sudan) I have always been curious about it.
and why are we not in it?
I only realized that when i felt that I did not belong anywhere, not even to the homeland whose nam I carry on my passport.
The people of my country did not undestand me, and I have always been excluded.. I started seeking while I did not feel that I just wanted to know.
I found Khartoum restaurant in the downtown area, where I got to know faces and customs that I had almost forgotten.
And I got to know someone who welcomed me and did not cross me as an intruder Najma from South Sudan, Juba
I only noticed a jovial face that carried everyone on it's shoulders, and i guessed what might be hidden behind it. A strong woman who tireslessly works on herself and on the happiness of those around her, despite the hardships of her work abroad far from her family.She never seemed to be outside the country, as long as I was with her, I felt entierly at home with her charms.